Time Value of Money Calculator A simple calculator I made for class to show the impact of compound interest. Time value of money worksheet monthly variableTime value of money worksheet monthly variable.xlsx30 KBdownload-circle
Personal Balance Sheet Template w/ Video Guide A personal balance sheet template for you to use. Organized by asset categories including cash, investments (with subcategories), real estate, vehicles, and other items. Liabilities correspond to the closest matching asset.
20 questions I ask myself when looking at financial statements A friend recently asked me what I look for when evaluating company income statements and balance sheets. This is an area where I've reached unconscious competence so I never thought about it before. Here's a sketch of what's going on in my head when
Understanding Business Write-Offs for Solopreneurs Several people have recently mentioned to me that they don't have a good understanding of how "writing off" or "expensing" something to your business works, so I decided to put together a guide. This note is intended for people who are residents of the